2011. 6. 26.

God!! Somebody help me!!

I have a test this wednesday, also my birthday,  but I didn't do anything.
To make matter worse, I found some musics, but they are so freaking amazing!
So I can't concentrate my mind on the test...
Yes.. Maybe a pretext, right?
Actually, I don't want to study now-_-
so.. Please.. somebody help me..:(

댓글 1개:

  1. ohhhh i hope you had nice birthday :)
    and right, i could say it's proper pretextㅋㅋㅋㅋ because the musics you sent are awesome like you said
    i know why you can't concentrate your mind!
    not only the musics also the angelsㅋㅋㅋㅋyou know they can distract your mind but they can help you too!
    they will ;) lol
